THE first women's penitentiary in Australia, a two-centuries old building on the Parramatta River, is facing a bleak future as an IT storage room.
Historians, Museums Australia and advocates for recognition of the Female Factory Precinct in Parramatta are outraged at the move by the Sydney West Area Health Service to seek approval to install data servers and air-conditioning units in the 1823 Georgian sandstone building.
''You wouldn't think of putting a data room in Hyde Park Barracks or Port Arthur, so why here?'' said the author, Bonney Djuric, of the precinct action group. Ms Djuric and her colleague, Gay Hendriksen, said the proposal for the building, once labelled ''third-class sleeping quarters'', was a national disgrace.
''A thorough and transparent process for any decision regarding the future of this highly significant building is called for," said Andrew Simpson, the president of the NSW branch of Museums Australia.
A spokeswoman for the health service said the proposal, which is being assessed by the Heritage Branch, was one of several alternatives being considered by NSW Health. ''This equipment will … have no impact on the internal or external fabric of the site,'' she said.
But advocates point out there are already large pieces of equipment installed around the building, which is fenced off as a construction site.
Ms Djuric said the building was of ''huge significance'' to the history of women and children and the entire precinct should be protected, restored and opened to the public as a museum.
The complex, owned by the state government, is on a bend in the river opposite Parramatta Park. Its convict-era and pre-Federation buildings have housed the original Female Factory workhouse for convicts, the notoriously cruel Parramatta Girls Home, a Catholic orphanage, a modern women's prison and a women's asylum.
The site is eerily beautiful and quiet except for the sounds of cicadas in the trees. Ghost stories abound and involve the sounds of crying babies and apparitions of unhappy women.
''Many historians don't even know it exists,'' Ms Djuric said. ''The places most diligently preserved, like the Hyde Park Barracks, have been to do with men, not women.''
Cumberland Hospital and commercial tenants occupy some buildings, but others, including the former girls' home, are vacant and boarded up.
''This is a significant site for all Australians,'' Ms Djuric said.