Wednesday 2 March 2011

Victoria Theatre- MEDIA

Victoria Theatre appeal: let the show go on

19 Feb, 2009 04:00 AM
CIRCUS performers, acrobats and mime artists have plans to revitalise Newcastle's historic Victoria Theatre and renew its links to live performance.
Artists for the Preservation of the Victoria Theatre have asked the building's owner, Arthur Laundy, of the Laundy Hotel Group, if they can temporarily occupy the site and use it as a practice space.

Pixi Robertson, a member of the committee, said they had met with Mr Laundy and he was "very supportive".

"He's really keen for something to happen," Ms Robertson said.

The group is now working on a second draft of their proposal.

"We just couldn't bear to see that beautiful place dying so we have got together a core body of physical theatre performers . . . because in Newcastle there's nothing specifically for physical performers and circus people. That would be a win-win thing."

The heritage-listed Victoria Theatre, on Perkins Street opposite David Jones, is the oldest theatre in NSW, first built on the site in 1876. Its 1891 facade is intact and it has an auditorium dating to that year.

It was used for many years as a stage theatre before being renovated to screen films, with Hoyts taking control in 1942. It has since been used as a retail outlet.

Performance artist Jason Hodgson, aka Dangerboy, said in the long term it would be ideal to restore the Victoria Theatre to its former glory.

"In the meantime, we want to see it activated," he said.

"You'd be amazed at how big the circus community is in Newcastle, it's a really vibrant community.."

Mr Laundy said he had not decided what he would do with the property.

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